Ageing is a ‘condition’ we will hopefully all have one day 😊. The most basic advice for anti-ageing of the skin is to minimise sun exposure, use effective skincare ingredients and a good quality broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day.

Not smoking, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, drinking lots of water and zero/less alcohol and taking regular exercise can all help to keep your skin looking younger. Keeping a regular routine of gently cleansing and moisturising every morning and night will also help to keep your skin in the best condition. Use the most appropriate effective active skincare ingredients to protect and rejuvenate your skin. 

Recommended Anti-Ageing products:

Triology, ReNew, Peptide Lift, HydraSilk, SkinKarma, Tetra-C, HA-ppy Face, Essential Glow

These can be used individually, or in combination for the most powerful results.

CLICK HERE for our  recommended daily routine for improving your skin and keeping it as young looking as possible for as long as possible. Use consistently as instructed and you should see noticeable results in 3-6 months. Although some people see results much more rapidly, most people see a gradual improvement over time. 

Don’t forget to take a picture of your face before starting your KJ skin journey and then again in 3-6 months’ time. If you send your images to us at, and we use them on our social media, you’ll get an AED500 product voucher.

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